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2024-06-10 17:48:14 +08:00
* *
* Open Dynamics Engine, Copyright (C) 2001,2002 Russell L. Smith. *
* All rights reserved. Email: russ@q12.org Web: www.q12.org *
* *
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or *
* modify it under the terms of EITHER: *
* (1) The GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free *
* Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at *
* your option) any later version. The text of the GNU Lesser *
* General Public License is included with this library in the *
* file LICENSE.TXT. *
* (2) The BSD-style license that is included with this library in *
* the file LICENSE-BSD.TXT. *
* *
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* LICENSE.TXT and LICENSE-BSD.TXT for more details. *
* *
* Created by: Remi Ricard *
* (remi.ricard@simlog.com or papaDoc@videotron.ca) *
* Creation date: 2007/05/04 *
This program demonstrates how the Piston joint works.
A Piston joint enables the sliding of a body with respect to another body
and the 2 bodies are free to rotate about the sliding axis.
- The yellow body is fixed to the world.
- The yellow body and the blue body are attached by a Piston joint with
the axis along the x direction.
- The purple object is a geometry obstacle.
- The red line is the representation of the prismatic axis
- The orange line is the representation of the rotoide axis
- The light blue ball is the anchor position
N.B. Many command options are available type -h to print them.
#include <ode/ode.h>
#include <drawstuff/drawstuff.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <math.h>
#include "texturepath.h"
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning(disable:4244 4305) // for VC++, no precision loss complaints
// select correct drawing functions
#ifdef dDOUBLE
#define dsDrawBox dsDrawBoxD
#define dsDrawCylinder dsDrawCylinderD
#define dsDrawCapsule dsDrawCapsuleD
#define dsDrawSphere dsDrawSphereD
const dReal VEL_INC = 0.01; // Velocity increment
// physics parameters
const dReal PI = 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510;
const dReal BODY1_LENGTH = 1.5; // Size along the X axis
const dReal RADIUS = 0.2;
const dReal AXIS_RADIUS = 0.01;
#define X 0
#define Y 1
#define Z 2
enum INDEX
BODY1 = 0,
const int catBits[NUM_PARTS+1] =
0x0001, ///< Ext Cylinder category
0x0002, ///< Int Cylinder category
0x0004, ///< Int_Rect Cylinder category
0x0008, ///< Box category
0x0010, ///< Obstacle category
0x0020, ///< Ground category
~0L ///< All categories
#define Mass1 10
#define Mass2 8
//camera view
static float xyz[3] = {2.0f,-3.5f,2.0000f};
static float hpr[3] = {90.000f,-25.5000f,0.0000f};
//world,space,body & geom
static dWorldID world;
static dSpaceID space;
static dJointGroupID contactgroup;
static dBodyID body[NUM_PARTS];
static dGeomID geom[NUM_PARTS];
// Default Positions and anchor of the 2 bodies
dVector3 pos1;
dVector3 pos2;
dVector3 anchor;
static dJoint *joint;
const dReal BODY2_SIDES[3] = {0.4, 0.4, 0.4};
const dReal OBS_SIDES[3] = {1,1,1};
const dReal RECT_SIDES[3] = {0.3, 0.1, 0.2};
int type = dJointTypePiston;
//#pragma message("tc to be changed to 0")
int tc = 0; // The test case choice;
//collision detection
static void nearCallback (void *, dGeomID o1, dGeomID o2)
int i,n;
dBodyID b1 = dGeomGetBody (o1);
dBodyID b2 = dGeomGetBody (o2);
if (b1 && b2 && dAreConnectedExcluding (b1,b2,dJointTypeContact) ) return;
const int N = 10;
dContact contact[N];
n = dCollide (o1,o2,N,&contact[0].geom,sizeof (dContact) );
if (n > 0)
for (i=0; i<n; i++)
contact[i].surface.mode = (dContactSlip1 | dContactSlip2 |
dContactSoftERP | dContactSoftCFM |
contact[i].surface.mu = 0.1;
contact[i].surface.slip1 = 0.02;
contact[i].surface.slip2 = 0.02;
contact[i].surface.soft_erp = 0.1;
contact[i].surface.soft_cfm = 0.0001;
dJointID c = dJointCreateContact (world,contactgroup,&contact[i]);
dJointAttach (c,dGeomGetBody (contact[i].geom.g1),dGeomGetBody (contact[i].geom.g2) );
static void printKeyBoardShortCut()
printf ("Press 'h' for this help.\n");
printf ("Press 'q' to add force on BLUE body along positive x direction.\n");
printf ("Press 'w' to add force on BLUE body along negative x direction.\n");
printf ("Press 'a' to add force on BLUE body along positive y direction.\n");
printf ("Press 's' to add force on BLUE body along negative y direction.\n");
printf ("Press 'z' to add force on BLUE body along positive z direction.\n");
printf ("Press 'x' to add force on BLUE body along negative z direction.\n");
printf ("Press 'e' to add torque on BLUE body around positive x direction \n");
printf ("Press 'r' to add torque on BLUE body around negative x direction \n");
printf ("Press 'd' to add torque on BLUE body around positive y direction \n");
printf ("Press 'f' to add torque on BLUE body around negative y direction \n");
printf ("Press 'c' to add torque on BLUE body around positive z direction \n");
printf ("Press 'v' to add torque on BLUE body around negative z direction \n");
printf ("Press 't' to add force on prismatic joint in the positive axis direction\n");
printf ("Press 'y' to add force on prismatic joint in the negative axis direction\n");
printf ("Press 'i' to add limits on the prismatic joint (0 to 0) \n");
printf ("Press 'o' to add limits on the rotoide joint (0 to 0)\n");
printf ("Press 'k' to add limits on the rotoide joint (-45 to 45deg) \n");
printf ("Press 'l' to remove limits on the rotoide joint \n");
printf ("Press '.' to increase joint velocity along the prismatic direction.\n");
printf ("Press ',' to decrease joint velocity along the prismatic direction.\n");
printf ("Press 'p' to print the Position of the joint.\n");
printf ("Press '+' Go to the next test case.\n");
printf ("Press '-' Go to the previous test case.\n");
printf ("Press '8' To remove one of the body. The blue body and the world will be\n");
printf (" attached to the joint (blue body at position 1)\n");
printf ("Press '9' To remove one of the body. The blue body and the world will be\n");
printf (" attached to the joint (body body at position 2)\n");
// start simulation - set viewpoint
static void start()
dsSetViewpoint (xyz,hpr);
printf ("This program demonstrates how the Piston joint works.\n");
printf ("A Piston joint enables the sliding of a body with respect to another body\n");
printf ("and the 2 bodies are free to rotate about the sliding axis.\n\n");
printf ("The yellow body is fixed to the world\n");
printf ("The yellow body and the blue body are attached by a Piston joint with\n");
printf ("the axis along the x direction.\n");
printf ("The purple object is a geometry obstacle.\n");
void setPositionBodies (int val)
const dVector3 POS1 = {0,0,1.5,0};
const dVector3 POS2 = {0,0,1.5,0};
const dVector3 ANCHOR = {0,0,1.5,0};
for (int i=0; i<3; ++i)
pos1[i] = POS1[i];
pos2[i] = POS2[i];
anchor[i] = ANCHOR[i];
if (body[BODY1])
dBodySetLinearVel (body[BODY1], 0,0,0);
dBodySetAngularVel (body[BODY1], 0,0,0);
if (body[BODY2])
dBodySetLinearVel (body[BODY2], 0,0,0);
dBodySetAngularVel (body[BODY2], 0,0,0);
switch (val)
case 3:
pos1[Z] += -0.5;
anchor[Z] -= 0.25;
case 2:
pos1[Z] -= 0.5;
anchor[Z] -= 0.5;
case 1:
pos1[Z] += -0.5;
default: // This is also case 0
// Nothing to be done
const dMatrix3 R =
if (body[BODY1])
dBodySetPosition (body[BODY1], pos1[X], pos1[Y], pos1[Z]);
dBodySetRotation (body[BODY1], R);
if (body[BODY2])
dBodySetPosition (body[BODY2], pos2[X], pos2[Y], pos2[Z]);
dBodySetRotation (body[BODY2], R);
if (joint)
joint->attach (body[BODY1], body[BODY2]);
if (joint->getType() == dJointTypePiston)
dJointSetPistonAnchor(joint->id(), anchor[X], anchor[Y], anchor[Z]);
// function to update camera position at each step.
void update()
// static FILE *file = fopen("x:/sim/src/libode/tstsrcSF/export.dat", "w");
// static int cnt = 0;
// char str[24];
// sprintf(str, "%06d",cnt++);
// dWorldExportDIF(world, file, str);
// called when a key pressed
static void command (int cmd)
switch (cmd)
case 'h' :
case 'H' :
case '?' :
// Force
case 'q' :
case 'Q' :
dBodyAddForce (body[BODY1],4,0,0);
case 'w' :
case 'W' :
dBodyAddForce (body[BODY1],-4,0,0);
case 'a' :
case 'A' :
dBodyAddForce (body[BODY1],0,40,0);
case 's' :
case 'S' :
dBodyAddForce (body[BODY1],0,-40,0);
case 'z' :
case 'Z' :
dBodyAddForce (body[BODY1],0,0,4);
case 'x' :
case 'X' :
dBodyAddForce (body[BODY1],0,0,-4);
// Torque
case 'e':
case 'E':
dBodyAddTorque (body[BODY1],0.1,0,0);
case 'r':
case 'R':
dBodyAddTorque (body[BODY1],-0.1,0,0);
case 'd':
case 'D':
dBodyAddTorque (body[BODY1],0, 0.1,0);
case 'f':
case 'F':
dBodyAddTorque (body[BODY1],0,-0.1,0);
case 'c':
case 'C':
dBodyAddTorque (body[BODY1],0.1,0,0);
case 'v':
case 'V':
dBodyAddTorque (body[BODY1],-0.1,0,0);
case 't':
case 'T':
if (joint->getType() == dJointTypePiston)
dJointAddPistonForce (joint->id(),1);
dJointAddSliderForce (joint->id(),1);
case 'y':
case 'Y':
if (joint->getType() == dJointTypePiston)
dJointAddPistonForce (joint->id(),-1);
dJointAddSliderForce (joint->id(),-1);
case '8' :
dJointAttach(joint->id(), body[0], 0);
case '9' :
dJointAttach(joint->id(), 0, body[0]);
case 'i':
case 'I' :
joint->setParam (dParamLoStop, 0);
joint->setParam (dParamHiStop, 0);
case 'o':
case 'O' :
joint->setParam (dParamLoStop2, 0);
joint->setParam (dParamHiStop2, 0);
case 'k':
case 'K':
joint->setParam (dParamLoStop2, -45.0*3.14159267/180.0);
joint->setParam (dParamHiStop2, 45.0*3.14159267/180.0);
case 'l':
case 'L':
joint->setParam (dParamLoStop2, -dInfinity);
joint->setParam (dParamHiStop2, dInfinity);
// Velocity of joint
case ',':
case '<' :
dReal vel = joint->getParam (dParamVel) - VEL_INC;
joint->setParam (dParamVel, vel);
std::cout<<"Velocity = "<<vel<<" FMax = 2"<<'\n';
case '.':
case '>' :
dReal vel = joint->getParam (dParamVel) + VEL_INC;
joint->setParam (dParamVel, vel);
std::cout<<"Velocity = "<<vel<<" FMax = 2"<<'\n';
case 'p' :
case 'P' :
switch (joint->getType() )
case dJointTypeSlider :
dSliderJoint *sj = reinterpret_cast<dSliderJoint *> (joint);
std::cout<<"Position ="<<sj->getPosition() <<"\n";
case dJointTypePiston :
dPistonJoint *rj = reinterpret_cast<dPistonJoint *> (joint);
std::cout<<"Position ="<<rj->getPosition() <<"\n";
{} // keep the compiler happy
case '+' :
(++tc) %= 4;
setPositionBodies (tc);
case '-' :
(--tc) %= 4;
setPositionBodies (tc);
static void drawBox (dGeomID id, int R, int G, int B)
if (!id)
const dReal *pos = dGeomGetPosition (id);
const dReal *rot = dGeomGetRotation (id);
dsSetColor (R,G,B);
dVector3 l;
dGeomBoxGetLengths (id, l);
dsDrawBox (pos, rot, l);
// simulation loop
static void simLoop (int pause)
const dReal *rot;
dVector3 ax;
dReal l=0;
switch (joint->getType() )
case dJointTypeSlider :
( (dSliderJoint *) joint)->getAxis (ax);
l = ( (dSliderJoint *) joint)->getPosition();
case dJointTypePiston :
( (dPistonJoint *) joint)->getAxis (ax);
l = ( (dPistonJoint *) joint)->getPosition();
{} // keep the compiler happy
if (!pause)
double simstep = 0.01; // 1ms simulation steps
double dt = dsElapsedTime();
int nrofsteps = (int) ceilf (dt/simstep);
if (!nrofsteps)
nrofsteps = 1;
for (int i=0; i<nrofsteps && !pause; i++)
dSpaceCollide (space,0,&nearCallback);
dWorldStep (world, simstep);
dJointGroupEmpty (contactgroup);
dReal radius, length;
dsSetTexture (DS_WOOD);
drawBox (geom[BODY2], 1,1,0);
drawBox (geom[RECT], 0,0,1);
if ( geom[BODY1] )
const dReal *pos = dGeomGetPosition (geom[BODY1]);
rot = dGeomGetRotation (geom[BODY1]);
dsSetColor (0,0,1);
dGeomCapsuleGetParams (geom[BODY1], &radius, &length);
dsDrawCapsule (pos, rot, length, radius);
drawBox (geom[OBS], 1,0,1);
// Draw the prismatic axis
if ( geom[BODY1] )
const dReal *pos = dGeomGetPosition (geom[BODY1]);
rot = dGeomGetRotation (geom[BODY2]);
dVector3 p;
p[X] = pos[X] - l*ax[X];
p[Y] = pos[Y] - l*ax[Y];
p[Z] = pos[Z] - l*ax[Z];
dsSetColor (1,0,0);
dsDrawCylinder (p, rot, 3.75, 1.05*AXIS_RADIUS);
if (joint->getType() == dJointTypePiston )
dVector3 anchor;
dJointGetPistonAnchor(joint->id(), anchor);
// Draw the rotoide axis
rot = dGeomGetRotation (geom[BODY2]);
dsSetColor (1,0.5,0);
dsDrawCylinder (anchor, rot, 4, AXIS_RADIUS);
dsSetColor (0,1,1);
rot = dGeomGetRotation (geom[BODY1]);
dsDrawSphere (anchor, rot, 1.5*RADIUS);
void Help (char **argv)
printf ("%s ", argv[0]);
printf (" -h | --help : print this help\n");
printf (" -s | --slider : Set the joint as a slider\n");
printf (" -p | --piston : Set the joint as a Piston. (Default joint)\n");
printf (" -1 | --offset1 : Create an offset between the 2 bodies\n");
printf (" Offset one of the body by z=-0.5 and keep the anchor\n");
printf (" point in the middle of the fixed body\n");
printf (" -2 | --offset2 : Create an offset between the 2 bodies\n");
printf (" Offset one of the body by z=-0.5 and set the anchor\n");
printf (" point in the middle of the movable body\n");
printf (" -3 | --offset3 : Create an offset between the 2 bodies\n");
printf (" Offset one of the body by z=-0.5 and set the anchor\n");
printf (" point in the middle of the 2 bodies\n");
printf (" -t | --texture-path path : Path to the texture.\n");
printf (" Default = %s\n", DRAWSTUFF_TEXTURE_PATH);
printf (" -n | --notFixed : In free space with no gravity mode");
printf ("-notex : Don't use texture\n");
printf ("-noshadow : No shadow\n");
printf ("-noshadows : No shadows\n");
printf ("-pause : Initial pause\n");
printf ("--------------------------------------------------\n");
printf ("Hit any key to continue:");
exit (0);
int main (int argc, char **argv)
bool fixed = true;
// setup pointers to drawstuff callback functions
dsFunctions fn;
fn.version = DS_VERSION;
fn.start = &start;
fn.step = &simLoop;
fn.command = &command;
fn.stop = 0;
fn.path_to_textures = DRAWSTUFF_TEXTURE_PATH;
dVector3 offset;
dSetZero (offset, 4);
// Default test case
if (argc >= 2 )
for (int i=1; i < argc; ++i)
//static int tata = 0;
if (1)
if ( 0 == strcmp ("-h", argv[i]) || 0 == strcmp ("--help", argv[i]) )
Help (argv);
if ( 0 == strcmp ("-s", argv[i]) || 0 == strcmp ("--slider", argv[i]) )
type = dJointTypeSlider;
if ( 0 == strcmp ("-t", argv[i]) || 0 == strcmp ("--texture-path", argv[i]) )
int j = i+1;
if ( j >= argc || // Check if we have enough arguments
argv[j][0] == '\0' || // We should have a path here
argv[j][0] == '-' ) // We should have a path not a command line
Help (argv);
fn.path_to_textures = argv[++i]; // Increase i since we use this argument
if ( 0 == strcmp ("-1", argv[i]) || 0 == strcmp ("--offset1", argv[i]) )
tc = 1;
if ( 0 == strcmp ("-2", argv[i]) || 0 == strcmp ("--offset2", argv[i]) )
tc = 2;
if ( 0 == strcmp ("-3", argv[i]) || 0 == strcmp ("--offset3", argv[i]) )
tc = 3;
if (0 == strcmp ("-n", argv[i]) || 0 == strcmp ("--notFixed", argv[i]) )
fixed = false;
world = dWorldCreate();
dWorldSetERP (world, 0.8);
space = dSimpleSpaceCreate (0);
contactgroup = dJointGroupCreate (0);
geom[GROUND] = dCreatePlane (space, 0,0,1,0);
dGeomSetCategoryBits (geom[GROUND], catBits[GROUND]);
dGeomSetCollideBits (geom[GROUND], catBits[ALL]);
dMass m;
dMatrix3 R;
// Create the Obstacle
geom[OBS] = dCreateBox (space, OBS_SIDES[0], OBS_SIDES[1], OBS_SIDES[2]);
dGeomSetCategoryBits (geom[OBS], catBits[OBS]);
dGeomSetCollideBits (geom[OBS], catBits[ALL]);
//Rotation of 45deg around y
dRFromAxisAndAngle (R, 1,1,0, -0.25*PI);
dGeomSetRotation (geom[OBS], R);
dGeomSetPosition (geom[OBS], 1.95, -0.2, 0.5);
//Rotation of 90deg around y
// Will orient the Z axis along X
dRFromAxisAndAngle (R, 0,1,0, -0.5*PI);
// Create Body2 (Wiil be attached to the world)
body[BODY2] = dBodyCreate (world);
// Main axis of cylinder is along X=1
dMassSetBox (&m, 1, BODY2_SIDES[0], BODY2_SIDES[1], BODY2_SIDES[2]);
dMassAdjust (&m, Mass1);
geom[BODY2] = dCreateBox (space, BODY2_SIDES[0], BODY2_SIDES[1], BODY2_SIDES[2]);
dGeomSetBody (geom[BODY2], body[BODY2]);
dGeomSetOffsetRotation (geom[BODY2], R);
dGeomSetCategoryBits (geom[BODY2], catBits[BODY2]);
dGeomSetCollideBits (geom[BODY2], catBits[ALL] & (~catBits[BODY1]) );
dBodySetMass (body[BODY2], &m);
// Create Body 1 (Slider on the prismatic axis)
body[BODY1] = dBodyCreate (world);
// Main axis of capsule is along X=1
dMassSetCapsule (&m, 1, 1, RADIUS, BODY1_LENGTH);
dMassAdjust (&m, Mass1);
geom[BODY1] = dCreateCapsule (space, RADIUS, BODY1_LENGTH);
dGeomSetBody (geom[BODY1], body[BODY1]);
dGeomSetOffsetRotation (geom[BODY1], R);
dGeomSetCategoryBits (geom[BODY1], catBits[BODY1]);
dGeomSetCollideBits (geom[BODY1], catBits[ALL] & ~catBits[BODY2] & ~catBits[RECT]);
dMass mRect;
dMassSetBox (&mRect, 1, RECT_SIDES[0], RECT_SIDES[1], RECT_SIDES[2]);
dMassAdd (&m, &mRect);
// TODO: translate m?
geom[RECT] = dCreateBox (space, RECT_SIDES[0], RECT_SIDES[1], RECT_SIDES[2]);
dGeomSetBody (geom[RECT], body[BODY1]);
dGeomSetOffsetPosition (geom[RECT],
dGeomSetCategoryBits (geom[RECT], catBits[RECT]);
dGeomSetCollideBits (geom[RECT], catBits[ALL] & (~catBits[BODY1]) );
dBodySetMass (body[BODY1], &m);
setPositionBodies (tc);
if ( fixed )
// Attache external cylinder to the world
dJointID fixed = dJointCreateFixed (world,0);
dJointAttach (fixed , NULL, body[BODY2]);
dJointSetFixed (fixed );
dWorldSetGravity (world,0,0,-0.8);
dWorldSetGravity (world,0,0,0);
// The static is here only to help debugging
switch (type)
case dJointTypeSlider :
dSliderJoint *sj = new dSliderJoint (world, 0);
sj->attach (body[BODY1], body[BODY2]);
sj->setAxis (1, 0, 0);
joint = sj;
case dJointTypePiston : // fall through default
dPistonJoint *pj = new dPistonJoint (world, 0);
pj->attach (body[BODY1], body[BODY2]);
pj->setAxis (1, 0, 0);
dJointSetPistonAnchor(pj->id(), anchor[X], anchor[Y], anchor[Z]);
joint = pj;
// run simulation
dsSimulationLoop (argc,argv,400,300,&fn);
delete joint;
dJointGroupDestroy (contactgroup);
dSpaceDestroy (space);
dWorldDestroy (world);
return 0;